The Moorer You Know

Ok, maybe I took that title from Joe Moorer’s Instagram profile but hey, it’s catchy. Joe showed up with his A-game at Austen and Co this past Saturday, and we much appreciate him passing on some knowledge. With a non profit, and hosting workshops during a pandemic, you never know what you are going to get but we had an enthusiastic group that formed into a sort of musicians round table. Everyone sat around the community table at the coffee shop and we had a ton of great discussion lead by Joe. Then we broke out into small groups and Joe led us through some exercises based off of his improv background. The take away that I got, which is big in improv is o say YES. Say yes to opportunities, say yes to collaborating with people, say yes to gigs you may be unsure about - you always learn in those situations and sometimes it’s what to say NO to the next time, and that’s ok! Follow joe on Insta at @themooreryouknow and stay tuned to our youtube page for upcoming clips of this and other workshop. If you’d like to donate please click here.

Chris Shaw